Zora's Den
Zora's Den is a sisterhood of Black women writers—poets, fiction, non-fiction and so much more!
Every 3rd Thursday of the month 7 pm-9 pm, IN OUR OWN WORDS open-mic reading.
Eubie Blake Cultural Center, 847 N. Howard Street, Baltimore, Maryland. All are welcome to attend. Free. No cover charge.
Official Zora's Den website: click button
One Day Soon. Baltimore, Maryland. Maryland Art Place and Maryland State Arts Council 2023 Triennial. Vinyl text wall art poetry on display May 18- June 24, 2023
Here is the Place. Baltimore, Maryland. Nature Education Center. Cylburn Arboretum. Poetry text and voice recording. Permanent exhibition. 2023
June 7, 2023
Online (UK)
Gloucestershire Poetry Festival
Crafty Crows
2 pm EST/7 pm UK Time
Crafty Crows May Edition Featuring Adam Horovitz & Catrice Greer plus open mic Wednesday, 7th June 2023, from 7 pm to 9 pm. Hosted by Chloë Jacquet
View the the recorded poetry reading online HERE
June 15, 2023
Zora’s Den Writers
at the Eubie Blake National Jazz and Cultural Center
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
June 22, 2023
Triennial Art Exhibition Poetry Reading
at Maryland Art Place
6 pm - 8 pm EST
Tonight is the night! Come out to support Black women writers at the season finale of In Our Own Words! Expect to be amazed at the truth and power in their stories and poems.#blackwomenwriters #baltimore #monthlyreading #seasonfinale#writingcommunity #fortheculture
@charmcity_cultural_cultivation @eubieblakecenter @thelastresortartistretreat @blackbaltimoredigitaldatabase @gcatrice @iambrandnewnow @darkndifferent @porscha_wordsmith
Guest Editor / Poetry Reviewer
I join the project team of Ice Floe press as a Guest Editor & reader for the “Work”. project. Our team includes Robert Frede Kenter, Editor in Chief (EIC) of Ice Floe Press, M.S. Evans, Guest Editor, and Me — Catrice Greer.
Open Call for submissions: July 15th - October 31, 2021
Please send your submissions to: IceFloePressWorkProject@gmail.com
To read more information about the project and guidelines, CLICK the button below to go to the Ice Floe Press website.
Fevers of the Mind
I am an ongoing Contributing Writer on the ‘Fevers of the Mind’ blog Wolfpack creative team.
In addition, I am also a Guest Reviewer of poetry books, new poetry book/chapbook launches, etc. We look forward to seeing your creative minds at work.
‘The Poetry Corner’
FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE is the brainchild of musician-singer/songwriter, show host, David Morrissey. The show is an online show live cast on Facebook and YouTube from Limerick, Ireland. It showcases music videos, live interviews of musicians, and live performances.
I am the talent curator & producer of the final segment of the show - ‘The Poetry Corner’. This segment showcases the spoken word, performance poetry, page poetry, talents of poets from all over the world.
Check the Facebook show page for the weekly guest line-up. Click LIKE on the show page for notifications of when the show goes live on Fridays.
Tune in on Fridays.
Join us for the full show at 10 pm Irish Standard Time/5 pm ET.
‘The Poetry Corner’ airs in the final segment at 12 midnight Irish time (UK Time)/ 7 pm ET.
Aired Thursday, July 29, 2021
Say it Louder in partnership with Stroud Against Racism. Part III in a “Can’t Get Outta My Head” series related to Black mental health.
Ms. Greer is the curator, virtual event producer, and show host.
5 BIPOC women poets speak their personal truths: Red Medusa, Hazel Mehmet, Justina Misdemeanor Taylor, Catrice Greer (curator, host, producer), and Stacy Ardis Dyson (special guest).
This exciting line-up of poets discusses deeply personal issues related to mental health and how it impacts them, specifically as Black women/ Women of Color.
** Please be advised**
My performance of the diptych of “MUTE” and “ESCAPE PORTALS” is a mental health/psychology teaching moment, but it does require a trauma TRIGGER WARNING.
In the full program broadcast, I offer a verbal trigger warning before I begin. Take good care. be well.
Click the button below to view the full program on YouTube.
The Poets Lighthouse
Aired: Sunday, August 29, 2021
Full Interview by Phynne~Belle (Poet and Host, Tricia de Jesus) of Poetry Global Network (PGN). Editor & Graphics, Sayaka Kimura (PGN)
Season 1, Ep 16 (2021)
The Poets Lighthouse conducts in-depth interviews of poets. In this engaging episode, I was interviewed. My poem, One Day Soon, was a spotlighted poem.
The Full 35-min interview is located on YouTube. Please click the link below to view.
Aired: Saturday, July 24, 2021
Full Interview by producer, host, and interviewer, Rick Spisak, on Season 2, Ep 7.
In-depth interviews of poets, Catrice Greer, Eva Petropoulou, and Robert Cole & Susie Reynolds. Mircea Dan Duta co-hosts the audio podcast.
Tune in (click a hyperlink) to LISTEN to the podcast which is now available on the website, or on iTunes. Click the button below to WATCH the full YouTube video interview.
Aired: Wednesday, July 28, 2021,
@thepoet.has.spoken interviewed Catrice Greer on his IG show “Speak Your Truth”
TUNE IN via @thegalaxy_of_poets on IG (Follow on IG)
Click the link below to go to the Instagram Live interview replay.
Blog (coming soon…)
Personal Self-Care
Maintaining my own wellness (physical, psychological, spiritual, mental, professional development, personal joy, etc.) is one of my highest priorities. It is a significant component to being able to access and use my God-given gifts & talents to serve as a lightworker, friend of fellow humans, and be a good friend to myself.
I schedule self-care and honor it as my personal daily priority. I revel in rest. I flourish, aligned with peace. I consider self-care Divine respect and gratitude for the vessel where my soul lives as a sentient human being.
Photo Credit: @CarlosMontelara